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An East Coast girl in a West Coast world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Susannah Stomping Diaries-12:51am 12/14/11

Susannah, WHAT JUST HAPPENED in your place???? I thought the ceiling was going to cave in. Now I just hear what sounds like walking around. And a voice...Andi once told me when you guys get crazy you sometimes jump up and down on the floor and yell, "April B!!!!!" Is that what is happening?

Seriously, what are you doing right now?



April B

Susannah's response:

"I read your post so I decided to say hi. My friend is over and we are walking about with wine."

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My 2nd Grade Christmas Journal Entries

Since Susannah is either not home or wearing slippers at the moment, here is more literary gold from my 2nd Grade journal.

Dec. 3 "Christmas is hear and I'm glad. I licke Christmas you get toys. But I like Christmas because it is Jesuses Birthday." (Jesus is spelled with a backwards "J")

Dec. 9 "Only 14 days until Christmas. I can't wait. Christmas Eve is here in only 14 days. I want a doll, unicorn, teddy bear, clothes, She-er Cristle. ("She-er Cristle" I think means "She-ra Castle." I did get it. But I'm still waiting for the Unicorn.

Dec. 11 "I smell Christmas smells and this is what I smell-chocolete, canndy can pie, and that is what I smell."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Suannah Stomping Diaries 12.9 #3

We have an answer! Susannah just Facebooked me the following:

"Hahah i'm semi-dancing (can u hear the music? i've repeated this song about 9 times) and i'm getting dressed to have a friendly visit with my ATTORNEY ! -I'm also semi-organizing my stuff to babysit Eden tonight- I have witch above the ankle black boots on (forgive me)"

You are forgiven Sudah. Because I CAN hear your music, and I approve. xoxo

Susannah Stomping Diaries 12.9

NOW what are you doing Susannah? My guess is hammering or marching?

The Susannah Stomping Diaries #1

I love my upstairs neighbor, the fab Susannah "Sudah" Jones.

But Susannah is a stomper. Fortunately I really don't mind. She's asked me to call if it ever bothers me, but I never have because it really doesn't. But it DOES fascinate me. Most loud neighbors have a pattern. I can't figure out Susannah's. So because I have not been blogging much lately, and Susannah agreed to it, I am going to use this blog to figure out what the heck Susannah is doing!

12:45pm: Susannah, are you okay? It sounds like you fell over.

12:59pm: Okay, now it sounds like you are just walking around, so I guess you are okay.