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An East Coast girl in a West Coast world.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Another Postscript...

Club #314 is up to their old tricks again. (And I wish I could take credit for the nickname, but that is actually the name of their wireless network).

Last night my room was literally shaking with their music, so I went out on the porch to ask them to turn it down a little. Not OFF, just down, and preferably not RIGHT NEXT TO MY BEDROOM WALL. I've actually never asked them to be quiet before in the entire 2 years I've been here...

Here is our conversation:

Me: "Hey can yall turn that down a little? My bedroom is next to your speakers and I have to get up early tomorrow."

Chubby Girl: "Um, it's a party."

Me: "Obviously."

Chubs: "You can come!"

Me: "I'm kind of already there. I don't mind the party but just turn it down or move your speakers please. I have to get up really early, and your apartment isn't that big, I'm positive you could still hear it."

Jerkface Guy: "Well, its a BIRTHDAY party."

Me: (Blank stare)

Jerkface: "I can turn it down but I can't promise it will stay down. I mean, I don't live here, but this is a BIRTHDAY party."

Oh, excuse me. It's a BIRTHDAY party. Well, in that case.....don't mind me or my wanting to sleep or anything. But shame on you, #314, for throwing your friend a tacky apartment birthday party. My friends would never do that to me.


  1. Oh shoot! I was TOTALLY planning on throwing you a pre-birthday/apartment party when I'm out later this month...should I go ahead and cancel the invitations. They're all the rage on the east coast now...damn...

  2. Laughed out loud. Bless your heart...what ridiculous neighbors.
