About Me
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Susannah Stomping Diaries-12:51am 12/14/11
Seriously, what are you doing right now?
April B
Susannah's response:
"I read your post so I decided to say hi. My friend is over and we are walking about with wine."
Saturday, December 10, 2011
My 2nd Grade Christmas Journal Entries
Dec. 3 "Christmas is hear and I'm glad. I licke Christmas you get toys. But I like Christmas because it is Jesuses Birthday." (Jesus is spelled with a backwards "J")
Dec. 9 "Only 14 days until Christmas. I can't wait. Christmas Eve is here in only 14 days. I want a doll, unicorn, teddy bear, clothes, She-er Cristle. ("She-er Cristle" I think means "She-ra Castle." I did get it. But I'm still waiting for the Unicorn.
Dec. 11 "I smell Christmas smells and this is what I smell-chocolete, canndy can pie, and that is what I smell."
Friday, December 9, 2011
Suannah Stomping Diaries 12.9 #3
"Hahah i'm semi-dancing (can u hear the music? i've repeated this song about 9 times) and i'm getting dressed to have a friendly visit with my ATTORNEY ! -I'm also semi-organizing my stuff to babysit Eden tonight- I have witch above the ankle black boots on (forgive me)"
You are forgiven Sudah. Because I CAN hear your music, and I approve. xoxo
The Susannah Stomping Diaries #1
But Susannah is a stomper. Fortunately I really don't mind. She's asked me to call if it ever bothers me, but I never have because it really doesn't. But it DOES fascinate me. Most loud neighbors have a pattern. I can't figure out Susannah's. So because I have not been blogging much lately, and Susannah agreed to it, I am going to use this blog to figure out what the heck Susannah is doing!
12:45pm: Susannah, are you okay? It sounds like you fell over.
12:59pm: Okay, now it sounds like you are just walking around, so I guess you are okay.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
More from my 2nd Grade self
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sucks to be a garbage can
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I was a literary child prodigy
Friday, July 29, 2011
If you're a boy you might want to skip this one....
Friday, July 22, 2011
Movin' on up
Most of you probably already know this, but just in case, one of the more fascinating tidbits of my life (not really to me, but to other people it’s a definite “conversation starter”) is that I work as a body parts model. NO, not THOSE parts, dirty mind! Specifically, I started as a foot model, literally kicked my way into the world of leg modeling via a tampon commercial, and most recently my cute little hands are featured in an AT&T commercial, also featuring the band Blink 182 (of mid to late 90’s fame).
Life is funny. I spend a substantial amount of my time working on my acting career, yet this little body parts modeling thing has become quite lucrative, literally paying my bills the last year or so. So since I’ve gone from feet, to legs, to hands, and skipped all the unmentionables, perhaps someone would actually be interested in my FACE sometime in the near future? Eh, eh??? Any takers???? Not that I’m desperate or anything.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The people you meet at Starbucks (or on airplanes)
Monday, May 9, 2011
I will haunt you if anyone does this to me
Monday, March 14, 2011
I WILL wear a costume to your party

This weekend I got to dress up not ONCE, but TWICE!!! Friday was a masquerade party. I tried my darndest to pull off dressing up like a peacock while staying within the confines of "cocktail attire." Feel free to comment on how well you think I did...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tootin' my horn
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Good Intentions...
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Birds and the Bees...
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oh, Kelly, No

When I heard that Kelly Osbourne was now hosting E!'s "Fashion Police" I thought it was a joke. But the girl has really worked through all the fashion issues that come from being Ozzy's offspring, and I must admit, she cleans up well. Well done Kelly. I'm a fan.