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An East Coast girl in a West Coast world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is this OCD?

So I was sitting by this girl in class today, and her hairy legs were REALLY bugging me. I couldn't concentrate the whole time, I could only think about how I wanted to wax her legs. Not personally of course. But I definitely wanted to arrange to have it done.

Does anyone else worry about other people's personal hygeine habits? Its just the Mother Teresa in me, I guess.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm thinking of breaking up with Juicy...

Dear Juicy Couture,

I love you. I really do.
But it's me or the henious romper.
Think long and hard about this before you answer me, JC. Do you really want to throw everything away over a tacky little fashion fling?
You choose.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DIY Skank-o-ween Costume

Most girls actually dress alike on Halloween...as a skank. They feel creative or different ("I'll be a SEXY Disney Princess...how ironic! I'm so clever!"), but their costumes all look alike as they seem to be a skanky version of some sort of fictional character or animal.

If you're interested in being a Skank version of your favorite fictional character or animal next year, here is the formula head to toe:

1. Get a wig that matches your character's hair, and add a tiara, antenna, etc. as required.

2. Apply makeup as though you are auditioning for a part as a hooker, and then add 25% more. Be sure to use false eyelashes and tons of glitter.

3. If you are a character, buy the dress and cut it as short as possible. I saw more butt-cheeks on Hollywood Blvd. on Halloween than I imagine one would see in a strip club, so there's no limit to how short you can go! Underwear optional.

4. If your character doesn't have a dress or you are a skanky animal, buy a skimpy leotard.
If you run out of time, don't worry, you can always be-dazzle your favorite push-up bra. Add a too-short tutu or skirt. Although, Halloween 2009 seemed to continue Lady Gaga's no-pants trend.

5. Legwear: Fishnet thigh-highs. Bonus points for neon colors.

6. Don't forget your 6" platform stripper heels!

Last minute mirror check: Can you see both cleavage and butt-cheeks? Great! Now step outside...are you freezing? Good! You're all set!